Tried and true productive flowers for the summer season!
As a seasonal flower farmer, productive flower varieties are the key to making the most of the growing season. Week after week and cut after cut, I have made a list of varieties that continually produce beautiful flowers throughout the summer months!
Easy to grow and highly productive, each of these flower varieties can be directly sown into the soil or transplanted from seed trays. Once planted, pinching each of these plants early on will reward you with branching stems throughout the season, as they are all cut and come again varieties.
The first of these productive flowers is, of course, Zinnias. A simple, yet, highly underrated cut flower, this powerhouse of a plant will keep you in a fresh supply of flowers in an assortment of colors!
Commonly grown, Zinnias frequently bring up sweet memories for many who see them, remembering their grandmother's kitchen table or harvesting flowers from the garden as a child. It is a flower that is timeless and cherished.
My personal favorite Zinnia varieties to grow are found in the Queeny Series and the Benary's Giant Series(pictured right).
The second productive flower variety is Celosia. Full of vibrant colors, and an array of textures, unlike any other flower head, these heat-loving annuals are a must grow!
A member of the Amaranthaceae family, there are several varieties of Celosia, each offering its unique textures and shapes.
There are three main Celosia varieties to grow:
Plumosa, with, quite like it sounds, a plume of tiny flowers on a feathery spike.
Cristata, consisting of the coral-like flower heads, some even describe as brain-like, commonly referred to as cocks comb.
Spicata, with narrow flower spikes as seen in the picture to the left.
No matter the Celosia variety you choose, this cut flower is a workhorse in any flower garden.

The third, and final productive flower to grow is Cosmos(pictured right).
Whimsical and drought-tolerant, this cut flower is available in single and double-bloom varieties, with softer color choices. Cosmos are the ultimate cottagecore bloom, with frilly branches and dainty blooms.
Prone to breakage, a little staking goes a long way to safeguard against wind damage. Keep your Cosmos well supported and they will keep you in blooms all season long.
From new growers to seasoned growers, these varieties are all great additions to your growing list for a productive flower season!